2. Development
  3. Process flow for developing CC-Link IE TSN compatible products


Process flow for developing CC-Link IE TSN compatible products

Development procedure for CC-Link IE TSN compatible products.

Steps when considering development

Steps when considering development
  • *Some of the items to be considered during development are different for recommended wiring components, such as Ethernet switches, cables, and connectors.
  • *"SDK" is an abbreviation for Software Development Kit.

Step1. Select the station type

Manager station
A station that manages a network. A station that contains control information (parameters) and controls device stations* and other manager stations through cyclic transmission and transient transmission.
Compatible devices (example)
  • *Device stations : A general term other than manager stations such as local stations and remote stations.
Local station
A station capable of n:n cyclic transmission with the manager station and other local stations, 1:n cyclic transmission with other stations, and transient transmission with other stations. It has a server function and client function for transient transmission.
Compatible devices (example)
Remote station

A station capable of 1:n cyclic transmission, and transient transmission with other stations. It has a server function and client function for transient transmission.

Compatible devices (example)

Step2. Select the certification class

  • CC-Link IE TSN has different certification classes depending on the functions and performance of the device (node) and Ethernet switches.
  • Certification classes include A and B, with B being the higher function.
  • It is recommended to develop certification class B products that have a wide variety of applications. Develop certification class A products only when modifying the software of existing products (not supporting TSN).
    ● : Implementation required
  • ─ : Implementation not required
Certification classes for devices
No. Functions Conditions Certification class
1 Reception/Relay Full rate reception/relay(*1、*2)
2 Supported standards IEEE802.1AS compliant
IEEE1588 compliant -(*5)
IEEE802.1Qbv compliant
3 Synchronization accuracy 1 μs or less (*4)
4 Communication method Time sharing method
Time managed polling method
5 Cyclic transmission VLAN (*6)
Broadcast/Multicast -(*3)
6 Transient transmission NRSV-Transient
  • *11 port: Receive, 2 ports or more: Receive and relay
  • *2The communication speed does not matter if it is 100 Mbps or higher.
  • *3Implementation is required for local stations
  • *4To guarantee the accuracy of 1 μs for the time synchronization, configure a system only with certification Class B products. In this case, do not place a certification Class A product (including a Ethernet switches) between certification Class B products.
  • *5When the protocol version is 1.0, implementation is required. For details, please refer to CC-Link IE TSN Specifications (Overview).
  • *6When the protocol version is 1.0, implementation is not required. For details, please refer to CC-Link IE TSN Specifications (Overview).

The manager station must be able to communicate with both certification Class A device stations and certification Class B device stations.
Device stations must be certification Class A or certification Class B products and be able to communicate with the manager station.

No. Functions Protocol version 2.0 Protocol version 1.0
1 Communication method(*) Time sharing method
Time managed polling method
Time sharing method
2 Supported standards IEEE802.1AS compliant IEEE802.1AS compliant
IEEE1588 compliant
3 Cyclic transmission VLAN required VLAN optional
  • *In the time-sharing system method, the synchronized time at each station is utilized to transmit simultaneously in both directions, whereas in the time managed polling method, cyclic frames are transmitted to the manager station after the device stations receive cyclic frames.
Ethernet switches
    ● : Implementation required
  • ─ : Implementation not required
Certification classes for Ethernet switches
No. Functions Conditions Certification class
1 Link up/Relay 1000BASE-T(IEEE802.3ab) compliant (*) (*)
100BASE-TX(IEEE802.3u) compliant
Auto negotiation
2 Supported standards IEEE802.1AS compliant
IEEE1588 compliant
3 Synchronization accuracy 1 μs or less
4 Time aware Queuing IEEE802.1Qbv compliant
  • * Either one or both classes must be supported.

Step3. Select the development method

Extensive lineup of supported products

Various types of product development are supported, from high-performance devices implemented on dedicated ASIC/FPGA to low-cost devices implemented on general-purpose Ethernet chips using software protocol stacks.

PC boardPC board Embedded ModuleEmbedded Module Dedicated Communication LSIDedicated Communication LSI SDKSDK
Hardware Hardware Hardware Software
Use Connects to PCI or PCI Express interface. Connects user boards and embedded interface boards via a general-purpose bus (e.g., 16 bit parallel bus). Based on the interface specifications of the released communication LSI, users can mount it on the board. Implements the released software into devices compatible with general-purpose Ethernet communication.

Duration and cost will vary depending on the development method selected.

Differences in Communication Accuracy between Product Combinations
Differences in Communication Accuracy between Product Combinations
Combination examples
Communication speed 1 Gbps 1 Gbps 100 Mbps 100 Mbps
Communication accuracy

Step4. Select the development location

Develop in-house

Various development methods can be used to internally develop communication interfaces.

Use a contracted development manufacturer

As one of the methods of clearing the technical and personnel issues in internal development, it is possible to commission a manufacturer to develop communication interface hardware and software.

CC-Link IE TSN development tool partners

Partners Station type Certification classes Development tool
Built-in Module
Built-in Module
Communication LSI
Communication LSI
HMS Industrial Networks
Remote station B
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Local station
Remote station B/A
port industrial automation GmbH
Manager B
Remote station B/A To be released soon
Renesas Electronics Corporation
Remote station B
SILA Embedded Solutions GmbH
Remote station B To be released soon

PC board is under consideration by partners.
For details, please check Introducing Development Tool.

Partners under consideration for development include:

Sample codes and tools to support development

Sample code and tools to support CC-Link IE TSN development are available free of charge.
Members can download these from CLPA website free of charge.

Sample code for CC-Link IE TSN remote station Class A
  • Compact sample code for remote stations
  • Software and API design enables easy application to Industrial Ethernet and CC-Link IE Field Network Basic devices
  • Free download from CLPA website
Development environment
No. Item Product name Version Manufacturer
1 Evaluation board NUCLEO-F439ZI* ST-Microelectronics
2 Integrated development environment STM32CubeIDE 1.7.0 ST-Microelectronics
3 OS FreeRTOS V10.3.1 Amazon Web Services
4 IP stack lwIP(lightweight IP) 2.1.2 IwIP Developer Group

* On-board microcontroller (STM32F429ZIT6)
Frequency :180 MHz
CPU :ARM Cortex-M4
Flash :2,048 Kbyte
RAM :256 Kbyte

CC-Link IE TSN Wireshark plugin

CC-Link IE TSN Wireshark plugin makes it possible to simplify the display of CC-Link IE TSN protocol packet data on Wireshark. This greatly helps users to analyze data packets of protocols.