

CC-Link IE Field Basic|リモート局|電磁弁

Pneumax S.P.A.


With the introduction of the “T” configuration of solenoid valves with integrated pneumatic connections fitted directly on the sub base the 2500 series, called OPTYMA, is now richer than ever. It integrates many technical features which make the product interesting.


  • Integrated and optimized electrical connection system.
    Possibility to integrate with Fieldbus modules.
    Electrical connection directly integrated into the base, 32 electrical signals available (can be used to build up a manifold of 32 monostable valves, 16 bistable valves or any combination within that limit).
    Possibility to connect input modules (5225.08T or 5225.12T).
    Large use of technopolymer material reduces the overall weight of the manifold.
    Easy and fast manifold assembly - tie rod system to hold the sub bases together.
    Quick coupling connections directly integrated in sub base.
    Easy and fast manifold assembling.
局種別または製品の種類 リモート局
占有局数 1-4 stations
プロトコルバージョン 2
外形寸法 68 mm x 68 mm x 82 mm (node dimension)
質量 0,300 Kg approximately (node weight)
標準価格 Contact for more information


   英語版    0x3622_OptymaCl_1_en.zip


  • Company name : Pneumax S.p.A.
  • Address : Via Cascina Barbellina, 10, Lurano, Italy
  • Telephone : +39 035 4192777
  • Mail : info@pneumaxspa.com