- Q.1How do I become a CLPA member?
- A.1
Please fill out the membership application form and return it to your nearest CLPA office.
- Q.2Are there any annual fees or initial fees?
- A.2
Annual fees will be based on the member category. For details click here.
- Q.3Can individuals join as a member?
- A.3
A Member shall be a juridical person. An individual shall not be a Member unless otherwise approved by CLPA.
*Please refer to "CC-Link Partner Association (CLPA) - Partner Membership Agreement 2. Membership Requirement.(Click here to see the membership agreement)
- Q.4What are the benefits of each membership category?
- A.4
For the membership category benefits, please click here.
- Q.5I am considering compatible product development. Do I need to join the CLPA?
- A.5
In order to develop compatible products, you must join as a Regular member or above. Please click here to see the membership categories.
- Q.6How do I change our membership category?
- A.6
You can apply for a membership category change from the Member Site- My Page. Only the contact person can make the change. To access My Page, please click here.
- Q.7How do I change our membership data (Address, phone, contact person etc.)?
- A.7
You can apply for a change of membership data on the Member Site- My Page. Only the contact person can apply. To access My Page, please click here.
- Q.8How can users other than the Primary Contact or Engineer Contact access My Page?
- A.8
Registration of My Page user is necessary.Primary contact or Engineer Contact can add other users from "Manage My Page Users" Please refer to the
CLPA Member Manual.
- Q.9I can't login to the Members Site.
How can I access the Members Site if I forgot my login ID/PW (or locked)? - A.9
Please contact us via the CLPA website.
- Q.10What process is needed to continue membership?
- A.10
Membership continues automatically every year. When a member wishes to cease CLPA membership, a notice of withdrawal is required three months prior to the termination of membership. If this notice period is not observed, membership continues for another year.
- Q.11How do I resume membership?
- A.11
Please contact your local CLPA office and supply your company name and the contact person. We can restore your membership from our server.
- Q.12When is the annual membership fee due?
- A.12
Please contact your local CLPA office. For the annual fees, please click here for details.
- Q.13How do I resign our membership?
- A.13
Please contact your local CLPA office. Note that there is a three month notice period required for resignation.
- Q.1What is the process for taking the conformance test?
- A.1
The basic process for conformance test is as follows.
Please refer to the CLPA website for more information. - -Conformance Testing Process
1.There are two types of conformance tests: one conducted by the manufacturer and the other by the CLPA. Please take the test that corresponds to the "manufacturer" in the conformance test specifications.
2.After completing the above tests, please register your test request information on the My Page of the Members Site. The following equipment and materials are required at the time of test request.
(1) Manufacturer's test results (please enter the results in the conformance test specification)
(2) Test equipment, instruction manuals, test programs, CSP+ file, and other equipment and materials required for testing.
3.As soon as the test equipment is received by CLPA, we will coordinate the schedule with the test center and inform you of the test schedule.
The basic test period is approximately 2 weeks (subject to change due to congestion).
4.Upon completion of the test, we will inform you of the results.
If there are any test items that are not acceptable, we will notify you each time.5.We will issue a certificate, test report, invoice, etc.
CLPA will send you these materials about one week after the completion of the test.
- Q.2Where can I get the test specifications and test request sheet?
- A.2
Regular members and above can obtain conformance test specifications.
You can download them from the Members Site in the CLPA website for free.
- Q.3What is a vendor code?
- A.3
From the 10 digit member ID, the 5th to 8th digit is the vendor code. If the member ID is 123-456-7890, "5678" will be the vendor code.
- Q.4What is the fee for conducting conformance tests?
- A.4
Conformance test fees will differ depending on member category, network type and product category. Please click here for details.
- Q.5How can I obtain an estimate of conformance test fees?
- A.5
Estimates can be issued. For more information on testing fees, please contact your respective regional offices with your test request.
- Q.6How do I request a conformance test?
- A.6
Please register your test request information on the My Page of the Members Site.
Please refer tothe CLPA Member Manual for instruction on how to operate the system.
- Q.7Can I make an appointment to take the conformance test?
What is the availability of the test center? - A.7
There is no reservation system for conformance test.
We will arrange the test schedule with the test center sequentially after we receive the test equipment. We recommend requesting a test as soon as you are ready.
- Q.8What is the process for paying conformance testing fees?
- A.8
After completion of the test, an invoice will be sent to you along with the submission of your certification and test report. For more information on payment of testing fees, please contact your respective regional offices.
- Q.9Is it possible to observe a conformance test?
- A.9
Observation is possible. Since it is necessary to coordinate the schedule with the test center, please contact CLPA in advance at the time of your test request.
- Q.10Is it necessary to take the conformance test again when developing a derivative of a certified product, even if the changes are only in the application that is not related to the communication functions of the CC-Link family and both software and hardware are the same as for the certified product?
- A.10
Even if the changes are only to the application part of an already certified product that is not related to the communication part of the CC-Link family, you are required to request testing in order to obtain the right to develop, manufacture, and sell a new certified product. We will consult with you on whether or not testing is actually required after confirming the details of the development (changes).
- Q.11Are there any items that are frequently rejected in conformance testing?
- A.11
The following is a list of items that are relatively more likely to be rejected.
[In case of CC-Link]
- Noise test
- Floating capacity measurement
[In case of CC-Link IE Field Network]
- Noise test
- Compliance test
The reason for many cases of rejection is that, in the case of CC-Link, for example, if recommended parts are not used, a test with a maximum cable length of 300 m is required In this case, a worst point test with the maximum number of units connected is also required, so it is necessary to prepare the maximum number of test equipment.
For these reasons, we recommend the use of recommended components for the manufacturer test as much as possible.
- Q.12When should the test equipment be sent after the test request is submitted?
- A.12
There are no specific requirements. After the test equipment is sent to CLPA, we will schedule a conformance test.
- Q.13In case of a company name change, is it possible to take a new conformance test (CSP+ creation) by simply changing the "member name" without changing the member ID?
- A.13
Since the member ID is linked to the "member name", it is possible to take the conformance test (CSP+ creation) using the member ID of the former "member name" even after the "member name" change.
However, the CSP+ created under the former "member name" must be re-created under the new "member name" or the association between the new and former "member names" must be clear, as it may be confusing for users to know if the CSP+ created under the former "member name" is a product of the same company.
- Q.14How long does the conformance test take from submission of materials and test equipment to completion?
- A.14
The basic test period per model is approximately 2 weeks (subject to change due to congestion), and 1 week for the preparation of documents (test report, certificate, invoice, etc.) .
- Q.15Do I need to conduct a conformance test for those products using certified network card (modules) from a third party when manufacturing/selling them?
- A.15
Yes, because the module only provides the connection to the network and it is also necessary to check that the overall product functions correctly on the network.
- Q.16Is it necessary to take the conformance test again if a communication module that can be embedded in multiple devices is sold in combination with a device other than the combination that has been certified by the conformance test?
- A.16
Yes, because the module only provides the connection to the network and it is also necessary to check that the overall product functions correctly on the network. While a certification may already have been obtained, the new product may have a different operation to the one which was previously certified.
- Q.17If the certified hardware is used for the communication interface part, but the firmware version changes, is it necessary to re-conduct the conformance test of the software part?
- A.17
If the software related to the communication interface is changed, you need to take the conformance test again. This is because we need to check that the new firmware still allows correct communication functions.
- Q.18Is it possible to get CC-Link IE Field Network Basic and SLMP certified as software? (For example, can they be certified as software that runs on Windows?)
If so, is it necessary to re-certify the software when it is upgraded?
(Even if there is no change in CC-Link IE Field Network Basic or SLMP communication functions) - A.18
CC-Link IE Field Network Basic and SLMP can be certified as software products.
When upgrading a software product, if there are any changes in the functions related to network communication, it is necessary to re-take the test.
If there are no changes to the network communication related functions, no re-test is required.
- Q.19How do I conduct a test for CC-Link IE Field Network Basic?
- A.19
For CC-Link IE Field Network Basic, you can do the test yourself, using a CLPA software tool.
Click here for more details. -
[Conformance test flow for CC-Link IE Field Network Basic]
1.Please conduct a self test using the CC-Link IE Field Network Basic conformance test tool.
2.After you have completed the test at the manufacturer, please register your test request information from "My Page" in Members Site.
Please also register the test results(CSV file) from the tool.
Please note that you must be a regular member or above to take the test.3. CLPA will check the test result and inform you of the result.
4.If successful, a certificate is issued.
After we confirm the test was successful, a certificate will be issued, usually within about a week, depending on workload.
- Q.20Is the conformance test required if a device communicates using CC-Link family products but is sold without disclosing this fact to third parties?
- A.20
The right to develop, manufacture, and sell CC-Link family products is valid for members who have passed the conformance test and recommended component wiring test for regular members and above, and therefore the test must be taken regardless of whether or not the adoption of the product is disclosed to third parties.
- Q.21What is the process for posting product information on the CLPA website after certification?
- A.21
Please register your product information from "My Page" in Members Site. Please refer to
the CLPA Member Manual for the operation of the system.
We will send you a "Request for Product Information Registration" along with your certificate, so please confirm the details.
- Q.22Is it possible to take the conformance test with one sets of equipment to be sent?
- A.22
Basically, two sets of equipment for the conformance test will need to be prepared, one of which will be kept as a spare. If it is difficult to prepare for the conformance test, you may take the test with only one equipment.
- Q.23For the conformance tests, the creation of a CSP+ file is essential. How do I create this?
- A.23
You can easily create this using the "CSP+ Profile Creation Support Tool". Also see the "(CSP+) Creation Guidelines". Both documents can be downloaded from the CLPA website.
- Q.24When the specified parts (crystal oscillator, etc.) of a dedicated communication LSI (MFP3N, etc.) are discontinued and replaced by the manufacturer's recommended alternative, is it necessary to retake the conformance test?
- A.24
Please retake the conformance test when you change the specified parts to an alternative one.
For example, when changing the crystal oscillator, please conduct the "noise test " of the "manufacturer's test " at your company and submit the "manufacturer's test result".
If there is no problem with the "manufacturer's test result ", we will check it and certify it based on your result.
Please retake the conformance test when you change the specified parts to an alternative one.
- Q.25When replacing Mitsubishi Electric's CC-Link dedicated communication LSI "A6GA-CCMFP3NN60F/A6GA-CCMFP3NN300F" with the alternative product "A6GA-CCMFP3NN60FN/A6GA-CCMFP3NN300FN", is it necessary to retake the conformance test?
- A.25
Basically, you will need to retake the conformance test if you have changed the communication LSI or other communication-related parts.
In the case of replacing Mitsubishi Electric's CC-Link dedicated communication LSI "A6GA-CCMFP3NN60F/A6GA-CCMFP3NN300F" with an alternative "A6GA-CCMFP3NN60FN/A6GA-CCMFP3NN300FN," the conformance test has already been passed with the product replaced with the alternative LSI.
Therefore, the certified product does not need to be retested only when the board, pattern, crystal oscillator, software, and other communication-related parts remain unchanged and only the communication LSI is replaced with the alternative one.
Network Technology
- Q.1What are CC-Link's recommended components?
- A.1
These are the recommended components:
・RS485 transceiver
・Zener diode
・Photocoupler (for signal line)
・Photocoupler (for gate control)
・Digital isolator (for signal line and gate control)
For details of recommended components, please refer to the CC-Link Specification-Implementation.
Parts other than the above, such as the crystal oscillator designated by Mitsubishi Electric's CC-Link dedicated CLPA.
Please contact the relevant suppliers for alternative parts if the designated items are no longer available.
- Q.2What is the difference between CC-Link Version 1.00, 1.10 and Version 2.00?
- A.2
Ver. 1.10 has a minimum inter-station cable length of 20 cm and improved wiring due to changes in device and cable specifications.Ver. 2.00 expands the amount of data per system and station by up to 8 times.Please refer to "CC-Link Version Description". Click here for details.
For installation guidance, please refer to the "CC-Link Installation Manual".You can download them from the CLPA website for free.
- Q.3Where can I download the manual for the NFP3N CC-Link chip?
- A.3
MFP3N is a product of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, and the manual is not available from the CLPA. Please contact your local supplier.
- Q.4When configuring a CC-Link network, some devices may only support Version 2.00. Can these be combined with Version 1.00 devices?
- A.4
In Version 2.00 mode, devices compatible with Version 2.00 and Version 1.00 can be used together.In Version 2.00 mode, the manager unit must be a Version 2.00 compatible manager unit (RJ61BT11, QJ61BT11N, etc.).
For installation guidance, please refer to the "CC-Link Installation Manual".You can download them from the CLPA website for free.
- Q.5Does using a repeater limit the communication speed of a CC-Link network to less than 10 Mbps?
- A.5
When using a repeater, keep the communication speed at 2.5 Mbps.For installation guidance, please refer to the "CC-Link Installation Manual".You can download them from the CLPA website for free.
CC-Link IE Field Basic
- Q.6Can CC-Link IE Field Basic and CC-Link IE Field be connected?
- A.6
This is not possible as they use a different communication protocol.
- Q.7There are products that support CC-Link IE Field Basic and have two Ethernet ports. Is it possible to connect in line topology with these devices?
- A.7
CC-Link IE Field Basic is designed to support line topology in addition to star topology, however supporting topologies could differ depending on each manufacturer's device specifications.
For details, please contact the manufacturer.
CC-Link IE Field
- Q.8If you install the "CC-Link IE Field Network Basic WireShark Plugin", is it possible to acquire CC-Link IE Field Network communication data?
- A.8
The plugin allows the communication data to be captured, but not analyzed.Note that currently there are plugins for CC-Link IE Field Basic and CC-Link IE TSN, but not CC-Link IE Field.
- Q.9The CC-Link IE Field communication speed is 1Gbps. What is the network update time? How much does it depend on the number of I/O points on the network?
- A.9
The time will depend on the network configuration. As an example, if there are 128 RW/RY devices and 64 RWw/RWr devices per station, then the network update time is 2.22 msec when 32 stations are connected in standard mode and 6.25 msec when 120 stations are connected.
- Q.10The CC-Link IE Field specification states that the maximum distance between stations is 100 m.Is it possible to extend it with an Ethernet switch?
- A.10
The maximum distance can be extended using Ethernet switches and media converters.
For transmission characteristics, etc., please refer to the "CC-Link IE Field Installation Manual".You can download it from the CLPA website for free.
- Q.11Does the "model type" ID information in the CC-Link IE TSN system have common profile specification (device vendor independent)?
- A.11
For the CC-Link IE common profile specification, please refer to the Control & Communication System Profile Specification, the CSP+ Profile creation support tool and CSP+ Creation Guidelines.
You can download them from the CLPA website for free.
- Q.12What is the difference between CC-Link IE Field Basic and CC-Link IE Field?
- A.12
CC-Link IE Field Basic and CC-Link IE Field are different communication protocols and their network specifications are different.
In the case of CC-Link IE Field, the communication speed is 1 Gbps, and high-speed, high-precision control is possible. The maximum number of connected stations is 254, and the topology supports line, star and ring configurations.
In the case of CC-Link IE Field Basic, the communication speed is 100 Mbps, the maximum number of connected stationsis 64, and the protocol is implemented by software.Communication performance is less than that of CC-Link IE Field, but TCP/IP communication can coexist on the network.For details, refer to the specifications of each network or the "Overview of the CC-Link Partner Association" catalog.You can download them from the CLPA website for free.
- Q.13The device type ID can be entered in the DeviceInfo of the CSP + file. Where can I find that on the CLPA website?
- A.13
You can find the list of model types on the members only "Downloads" page. Please refer to Specification Sheets, 12: List of Model Types.
- Q.1Where can I purchase compatible products?
- A.1
The CLPA does not manufacture or sell any products. Please contact our partner manufacturers or their representatives.
- Q.2How can I use the products published on the website?
- A.2
For application advice and guidance, please contact the relevant manufacturer.
- Q.3From where can I request catalogs?
- A.3
Please download from our website. If you need hard copies, please request via the contact us page.
- Q.4Where can I make technical inquiries?
- A.4
Please contact us via the contact us page or Email.
- Q.5How can I obtain the CC-Link Association and CC-Link Family logo?
- A.5
Please refer to "CC-Link Family Logo Download" on the member site.
If you are a regular member or above, you can use the logo.
- CC-Link Partner Association (CLPA)
Members Site