

CC-Link IE Field Basic|リモート局|電磁弁

Pneumax S.P.A.


Series PX modular electronic system supports the most diffused communication protocols and can be configured with I/O modules, both digital and analog. The ability to quickly and easily configure the system, the range of modules and accessories available meet at the best the specific application needs of many industrial sectors.


  • Series PX in stand alone version can be connected to every solenoid valves battery by using SUB -D connector, on the other hand Series PX can be directly connected to the following Pneumax solenoid valves series: Optyma S, Optyma F, Optyma T, 2700 and 3000.
    Technopolymer bodies and sub-base and compact design has been studied to optimise room taken by the whole system, they make Serie PX extremely light and guarantee maximum flexibility.
局種別または製品の種類 リモート局
占有局数 1 station
プロトコルバージョン 2
外形寸法 60 mm x 94 mm x 68 mm (node dimension)
質量 0,250 Kg approximately (node weight)
標準価格 Contact for more information


   英語版    0x3622_Serie 3000


  • Company name : Pneumax S.p.A.
  • Address : Via Cascina Barbellina, 10, Lurano, Italy
  • Telephone : +39 035 4192777
  • Mail :
  • 製品詳細: 新しいウィンドウで開きます。